Manual and review FujiFilm FinePix S9900W
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Hi, I used to use an amateur camera with minimal manual settings, but the pictures turned out great because of the automatic mode. However, my old camera broke down and I had to look for a new one. At first I wanted to buy an inexpensive DSLR, but I was advised to choose an “amateur” non-mirror camera for the same price. In the end, I opted for the FUJIFILM FinePix s9900w model. I will tell you about the camera, which I bought a little more than half a year ago. Immediately I want to note that this device is not suitable for those who prefer automatic mode or hope for good pictures in this mode, as the photos turn out like on a regular soapbox. I won't even show you sample photos, they are not impressive at all.
The manual settings are better. I mostly shoot at home, so I didn't take many photos outdoors in good light. Due to the type of sensor, shooting indoors is difficult, but there is less noise when you increase the ISO. Super macro photography is not impressive, it's worse than on my old machine, but it'll do. Overall the photos are of average quality, but with good color reproduction. At maximum zoom (even without digital zoom) it is impossible to shoot handheld, even with a support. Many people test the zoom on moon shots, but I can't take a picture of the moon =(I would like to see the results of the settings immediately after changing them. I have to take test shots after each adjustment. It takes a long time to adjust, but it gets easier with time. When I bought the camera, I didn't pay attention to Wi-Fi because I didn't need it, but this feature came in handy while using the camera. You can quickly send photos to yourself or others on your phone, you just need to install an app on your phone. Full HD video is terrible. By the way, when I bought the camera, it cost about 500 rubles (250-300 dollars), and now it has become twice as expensive.
The body of the FujiFilm FinePix S9900W compact camera is highly durable thanks to magnesium alloy. The 16 megapixel CMOS sensor provides high quality photos, capturing images with a maximum resolution of 4608x3456. The camera is also capable of shooting movies in MOV and H.264 format up to 29 minutes. In addition, there is a macro mode with a minimum subject distance of 1 cm. You can use the built-in Wi-Fi function, as well as USB 2.0 and HDMI connectors to transfer pictures. FujiFilm FinePix S9900W is powered by four AA batteries, which are enough to create three hundred high-quality pictures. The camera has 38MB of internal memory, which can be expanded using SDHC, SD or SDXC memory cards. A sturdy cover connected to the camera with a strong lanyard protects the lens from external influences.
The FujiFilm FinePix S9900W compact camera body is ruggedized using magnesium alloy. High quality photos are achieved thanks to the 16 megapixel CMOS sensor, which provides a maximum image resolution of 4608x3456. In addition to taking photos, you can record movies in MOV and H.264 format up to 29 minutes. There is also a macro mode with a minimum distance to the object of 1 cm. Pictures can be transferred to other devices using the built-in Wi-Fi function, as well as through the common connectors USB 2.0 and HDMI.FujiFilm FinePix S9900W is powered by four AA batteries, which are enough to create 300 high-quality pictures. The camera's built-in memory of 38MB can be expanded using SDHC, SD or SDXC memory cards. A sturdy cover, connected to the camera by a secure lanyard, ensures that the lens is protected from damage.
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I'm not a professional and had some specific requirements when choosing a camera. Shutter performance. My old Olympus produced high quality pictures, but it was too slow. Nikon and Canon of various models did not impress either. The Fujifilm is doing well with a 4+, and probably a 5 if you don't consider DSLRs. Pictures of animals and sporting events are of high quality. Superzoom shooting quality. With a tripod, the Fujifilm gets a rating of 5. When shooting handheld, there are delays, but then the result reaches a 4+.Good continuous shooting. Here Fujifilm gets a solid 5, it works quickly and well in different modes. Color reproduction and other features of the images meet the standards for cameras of this class, and all shortcomings are easily corrected in Photoshop. Moreover, along with the camera is provided with a disk with proprietary Photoshop for Fujifilm.
Disadvantages: Heavy weight, uncomfortable to hold in small hands. Not suitable for fishing and hiking. A lot of settings that require time to master. There are no automatic modes. The presence of many functions that are easier and more qualitative to finalize in Photoshop.Nevertheless, given the performance of the tasks, the overall assessment is 5. Perhaps, with a small minus.
Benefits of the FujiFilm FinePix S9900W:This quite quality amateur camera offers great value for money. However, aside from the information listed in the specifications, there are some features that I liked: The camera can be turned on and off by simply moving the slider, eliminating accidental activation and confusion. The camera can also be turned on with the lens cap closed to set up, view, frame and transfer images. The viewfinder is adjustable to match the user's vision. The control dial provides a place for a “favorite” setting from the one-touch menu - I chose a shot format (1:1, 3:2, 4:3, 16:9). There is also a function to force discharge the batteries before charging to eliminate the charge memory effect. Can shoot panoramas from one-third to full rotation, but it takes practice! The ability to save favorite manual settings in the camera's memory. I'm less interested in video, otherwise I would have bought a camcorder, but I checked - it does the job. Fairly good low-light shooting capabilities - a problem found in all cameras - here the camera takes a series of three shots when needed and combines them to reduce noise, which is suitable for shooting still subjects. The camera changes shutter speed and aperture smoothly - you can set shutter speed to 1/34 and aperture to 8.7 instead of the standard 1/30 and 8.0.Image stabilization allows you to take maximum zoom shots without using a tripod, as long as your hands aren't shaking more than normal! The test shots of the moon show the lunar mountains clearly. Stabilization (optical and digital) can be turned off. Read the instructions carefully. The program for installation on the PC is not required - enough existing Windows XP Professional.Disadvantages:For fans of automatic mode there are no disadvantages, the inconveniences are associated with the use of manual settings, which slightly slow down the process. If you need to make artistic changes when shooting through exposure correction, it is possible only in manual mode. On the old camera, the result of exposure correction was visible immediately, but on the new one - only on a test shot. During exposure compensation, manual aperture setting is accompanied by a message on the display that shutter speed is being set, and vice versa - it's easy to get used to, but it would be better if it wasn't. However, exposure correction can be done after shooting and transferring files to a PC using the photo editing program on the disk included with the camera, so the problem is not so important. The application includes cropping, brightness, contrast and gamma adjustments. The camera's control dial is combined with a joystick: pressing switches modes and rotating it adjusts shutter speed and aperture values under manual control, although there may be occasional unwanted switching. The paper manual enclosed with the camera is useless, it doesn't even list all the controls, but that's no longer the fault of the camera or the manufacturer - it's the fault of the exporter! Download the user manual. Download manual.
The body of the FujiFilm FinePix S9900W compact camera is rugged thanks to magnesium alloy. The 16 megapixel CMOS sensor provides high quality photos, capturing images with a maximum resolution of 4608x3456. The camera is also capable of shooting videos in MOV and H.264 format up to 29 minutes. The camera has a macro mode with a minimum subject distance of 1 cm. Pictures can be transferred to other devices using the built-in Wi-Fi function, as well as via USB 2.0 and HDMI.FujiFilm FinePix S9900W is powered by four AA batteries, which are enough to create 300 high-quality pictures. The camera has 38MB of internal memory, which can be expanded using SDHC, SD or SDXC memory cards. A sturdy cover connected to the camera with a strong lanyard protects the lens from external influences. Download the instruction manual.
Корпус компактной камеры FujiFilm FinePix S9900W прочен благодаря магниевому сплаву. 16-мегапиксельная CMOS-матрица обеспечивает высокое качество фотографий, делая снимки с максимальным разрешением 4608x3456. Камера также способна снимать видео в формате MOV и H.264 продолжительностью до 29 минут. В камере предусмотрен режим макросъемки с минимальным расстоянием до объекта 1 см. Снимки можно передавать на другие устройства с помощью встроенной функции Wi-Fi, а также через USB 2.0 и HDMI.FujiFilm FinePix S9900W питается от четырех батареек типа AA, которых хватает на создание 300 высококачественных снимков. Камера имеет 38 Мб встроенной памяти, которую можно расширить с помощью карт памяти SDHC, SD или SDXC. Прочная крышка, соединенная с камерой крепким шнурком, защищает объектив от внешних воздействий. Скачать инструкцию по эксплуатации.
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