Manual and review Fujifilm Instax mini 90

Manual and review Fujifilm Instax mini 90
Manual and review Fujifilm Instax mini 90

Yay! What a delight!!! This is not my first Polaroid and it's perfect - I recommend it to everyone! Landscapes, macro, portraits - all in instantly developed photos. This instant print camera is not the first in my collection. I first bought an Instax 8, a lovely blue baby. But its standard features weren't enough and I wanted more. So I bought the Instax 90 and have never regretted it. The photos are small in size - 62 by 46 mm.

The cartridge is the same as in all other Instax Mini. One photo costs 500 rubles, but you can order cheaper on eBay. The camera does not save photos in digital format. The resulting image is immediately printed on film. Dealing with it is very easy - you have a settings screen. In this case the number 2 shows the remaining frames. With the MODE button you adjust the settings. You choose the mode: group portrait, children, landscape, macro, shutter speed. You can also adjust the brightness of the photo: L, L+, D (light, lighter, darker). This camera differs from other models with different modes: landscape, distance to infinity, the ability to shoot mountains, sea and other objects. There is also an interesting double exposure mode: you take one photo, then another, and they are combined into one - the effect of overlapping frames.This camera has a rechargeable battery, not batteries. It has a long charge - I've had it for 30 photos, 3 cassettes, and it hasn't run out of charge yet!


A shoulder strap that cannot be worn around the neck and detailed instructions are what sets this camera apart. The large oblong box adds to the convenience of use.Fujifilm Instax Mini 90 is the most compact camera in the Instax range. Its flat design makes it easy to carry. Two shutter release buttons allow you to take pictures in horizontal and vertical modes, and a small selfie mirror adds convenience when taking selfies. The modern retro design is a delight to look at and admire. Complete with new cases, the Fujifilm Instax Mini 90 becomes even more attractive. Many people have dreamed of Polaroid cameras, and I am no exception. I searched for a long time for the perfect instant print camera and found it on Avito - it was a good old Polaroid. However, I quickly realized that buying a regular Polaroid came with a number of challenges, so I decided to search for information about the cartridges online. This is how I came across a variety of Instax models, including the Instax Wide format, which offers the largest cards in the range. Having studied the assortment, I was pleasantly surprised by the prices, which range from 5 thousand rubles, and the ability to easily find cartridges in convenient stores. However, having seen the Instax Mini 90 Neo Classic model, I realized that this is the camera I need, even if I will use it only occasionally. Fans of old cameras like Zenit and FED will understand my feelings. Although this camera doesn't have a lot of customization options, it has all the features I need to shoot comfortably.

I took the cartridges together with Instax using bonuses and promo codes, so it was quite cheap (the cheapest option is 25 rubles, the average cost of a card is about 30-40 rubles).Now let's get down to business. To be honest, during half a year of using Instax I can't say that I actively used it. So, I tested it a little, made about one and a half cartridges, i.e. 15 shots. Surprisingly, the first photo turned out great (I admit, it was a self-portrait photo), but in the following cases the image “went away” a bit, was crooked. I also tried double exposure and macro, but it didn't turn out very well, but we are learning. I will not describe all the functions, as information about them is available on the Internet, but if necessary, I will add. In general, the images are clear, with characteristic colors, I also tried to photograph distant objects - everything turned out well. Two more cards got spoiled even without the shutter release. I don't know if it's just me or if there is a design problem. I was twisting and turning this device in my hands (turned off), and then (still need to check) I slid the latch on the back of the camera (where the cartridge is located). This wonderful door opened, I looked and closed it, and the camera wheezed. I think, it is clear - trouble, the process went, he spit me out a black card, of course, I was upset, but nothing terrible. I showed this machine to my parents, and my father, not thinking long enough, pulled the bolt too. I want to touch everything... I wish I had time to tell them about my unfortunate experience. So keep this peculiarity in mind, maybe you will be able to take a picture with an open door with a cartridge and somehow cheat this technique, but I will not advise anything, just know. This is the button that should be moved only when changing cartridges.

Of course, I am looking forward to new adventures and interesting places where I will be able to demonstrate all the possibilities of this camera. After all, it's so great to hold in your hands a photo that captures unique moments! I'll tell you about the equipment later. But I think many people will like the variety of albums and other accessories for FUJIFILM Instax cameras, such as frames, cases and colored lenses. They are most advantageous to order them on a well-known website. Unfortunately, the first case never arrived, so I don't use my camera very often, as it may not match with other things in my backpack. I'm waiting for new cases, a clear one and a leather one. One accessory I bought even before I got my camera was colored sticker frames for photos. At that time they were on sale at a discount and I thought they might come in handy. And now their time has come!

Package: camera, shoulder strap, battery, lots of instructions (better to read) and charger.FUJIFILM Instax mini 90. I think I've told you all the most interesting things. If you have any questions, ask, I will try to answer. Before buying it, I read only official reviews, and not everything was clear, especially for those who have never used such devices.


The Instax 90 neo classic has an impeccable retro look that harkens back to the days of film photography. The chrome body with brown leather trim distinguishes it from the simpler MINI 12 and MINI 40 models. The Instax 90's credit card-sized snapshot size has already proved popular with young instant photo enthusiasts. New features include double exposure and macro shooting from 30cm away from the lens. The camera is powered by a rechargeable battery rather than batteries. The new model has a stylish and attractive retro design and an expanded set of functions compared to previous versions. There are preset shooting modes: party, kids, landscape and macro. The camera is equipped with manual exposure adjustment (L/N/D), a timer and a tripod socket. The camera has a digital display and comes with a battery, strap and charger. Please note that the camera is suitable for Fujifilm Instax Mini cassettes. We recommend reading our review of the MINI 90 camera.To purchase the Instax mini 90 Neo Classic camera at an affordable price, click on the “To Cart” button and fill in your contact information for checkout. You can also explore specifications, customer reviews, download instructions and choose accessories.


The Fujifilm Instax mini 90 NEO CLASSIC snapshot camera is a new and improved device with an elegant retro design and a two-tone silver and black body. It is designed for photography enthusiasts who want a higher-end camera compared to entry-level models. The concept of the camera is called “neoclassical” (NEO CLASSIC), which is reflected in its name. It features double exposure, long exposure, macro, holiday, child, landscape, self-timer, flash off, brightness control, two shutter buttons, rechargeable lithium-ion battery, large LCD screen on the back and a mode ring on the front. The camera delivers high quality pictures thanks to the new programmable flash. All these features and benefits make it the perfect choice for photographers who want to maximize their enjoyment of capturing snapshots. The camera uses Fujifilm Instax mini color photo paper, with a film size of 86 x 54mm, image size of 62 x 46mm and a battery life of 10 cassettes of photo paper. The viewfinder has a real image with 0.37x magnification and a parallax-compensated scope for macro photography. Focusing is electrically switched between three ranges: macro (0.3-0.6m), normal mode (0.6-3m) and landscape (3m-infinity).


Instax Mini 90: characteristics and features. Why choose Instax Mini 90? When choosing an instant camera, it is important to consider its type (classic or modern) and frame size (large or small). Instax Mini 90 is a modern camera with a small frame size (5 x 9 cm or “business card”). It is the flagship model of the Instax range and offers a number of unique features.

Retro design. The Instax Mini 90 has a pleasing retro design reminiscent of iconic film cameras of the past with its mechanical construction, iron body and brown leather overlays. The model is named “NEO classic”, emphasizing its modernity and retro aesthetic.

Model Features. The Instax Mini 90 offers features such as long exposure and multi-exposure that are only available on this model.

Long Shutter Speed. This mode allows the lens shutter to remain open for up to 10 seconds, allowing you to capture moving objects, birds, cars or light trails in the dark.

Multiple Exposure. Allows you to superimpose several photos on top of each other, creating interesting effects. This tool is often used by photographers working with film.

Additional features. Instax Mini 90 also supports portrait and landscape shooting, automatic and manual exposure compensation, a built-in macro lens and a programmable Xenon flash.


At the end of August 2013, the Japanese company Fujifilm held a presentation of a new Polaroid-like instant print camera. When developing the Fuji Instax Mini 90 model, the developers probably tried to move away from the usual image of children's toys and give the novelty a more serious look. The video shows the camera with a light jazz accompaniment. Fujifilm chose Caucasian models, perhaps to expand its presence in the American and European markets, where film cameras are less common than in Japan and South Korea. Certainly, beyond design and style, the Fuji Instax 90 camera offers new features in terms of functionality. Using the double exposure function and pressing the shutter button twice, you can combine two images in a single frame. There is also a special mode for night photography. For shooting moving subjects, there is a Kids mode, the name of which hints at the nimbleness of small creatures. The shutter speed is 1/400th of a second, and the 10-second exposure allows you to take out-of-the-box photos with instant prints. The updated Fujinon lens is now capable of macro photography from 30-60cm without additional attachments, as in the 25s and 50s. The model is equipped with a lithium-ion battery, so there is no need to buy extra finger batteries anymore, the charger is included. Given that Fujifilm has virtually no competitors in the compact instant camera field, the company may be guided by its own preferences when setting the price. In Japan, sales began on September 20, with the camera averaging ¥20,000, which is equivalent to about $210 for the U.S. market. We also suggest you purchase the Fujifilm Instax Mini 90 Neo Classic camera or rent it for events or travel.


The Fujifilm Instax mini 90 instant print camera will make you stand out at any party or other public event. It has a retro camera style, completely mimicking equipment from 20-30 years ago. However, this camera is packed with important features and functions. You can download the manual for detailed familiarization. Fujifilm Instax mini 90 allows you not only to take unique and creative photos, but also to print them instantly. For this purpose, a set of 10 paper cards is inserted into the camera. The size of the resulting pictures is 62 × 46 millimeters. You can download the instruction manual and study it carefully.With this camera you can take landscape, group and portrait photos. The camera will allow you to create original photo cards that can be given as gifts after printing. The built-in flash provides illumination of the photographed area in the evening. The instruction manual is also available for download.

Камера мгновенной печати Fujifilm Instax mini 90 позволит вам выделиться на любой вечеринке или другом общественном мероприятии. Она выполнена в стиле ретро, полностью имитируя оборудование 20-30-летней давности. Однако эта камера оснащена важными функциями и возможностями. Вы можете скачать инструкцию для детального ознакомления. Fujifilm Instax mini 90 позволяет не только делать уникальные и креативные фотографии, но и мгновенно распечатывать их. Для этого в камеру вставляется набор из 10 бумажных карточек. Размер получаемых снимков составляет 62 × 46 миллиметров. Вы можете скачать инструкцию по эксплуатации и внимательно изучить ее.С помощью этой камеры можно делать пейзажные, групповые и портретные снимки. Камера позволит вам создавать оригинальные фотокарточки, которые после печати можно преподнести в качестве подарка. Встроенная вспышка обеспечивает подсветку фотографируемого участка в вечернее время. Инструкция по эксплуатации также доступна для скачивания.

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