Canon EOS 4000D camera - review

Canon EOS 4000D camera - review
Canon EOS 4000D camera - review

Today I want to write a review on my main "workhorse", which I take on trips and take photos for reviews. About two years ago, the moment came when the photos taken on the phone stopped being satisfied with their quality and I decided to switch to a DSLR. My family already has mirrorless Sony, but first I wanted to take a light camera to fill my hand.

The camera is located in a sturdy stylish box that reliably protects it during transportation.

I bought it in DNS and registered the camera on the Canon website.

For me, the main criterion of choice was the availability of Wi-Fi and light weight. Due to a back injury in adolescence, I can't lift weights and put a load on my lower back, but I also want to take pictures.

A short tutorial allows you to understand everything with great accuracy. Photos with high-quality settings are obtained, to put it very simply, similar to pictures from the Internet. There are no unusual, sophisticated settings in the camera, but there is everything that will allow you to take a photo from the moon and the urban landscape to indoor flowers and a quick capture of a nimble insect. Videography, of course, leaves much to be desired, but the device is not designed for this. There is a built-in flash, bright, but you need to take photos with it carefully, sometimes it spoils the photo. By weight, of course, he is an amateur. Not everyone likes bulky devices in their hands, but if they talk about the location, then it is very comfortable in their hands, such a weight requires careful handling, it can easily fall out, it seems to me. To improve the quality of photos or for other functions, you only need to buy an additional lens, which is very convenient, a standard lens is suitable for everything, but sometimes it does not give the expected results.

Technical specifications of Canon EOS 4000D

Total number of megapixels: 18.7 Mp
Number of effective megapixels: 18 MP
Matrix Type: CMOS
Physical size of the matrix :22.3 x 14.9 mm
Crop factor: 1.6
Full-frame: No
Maximum photo resolution : 5184x3456
Aspect Ratio :3:2
Minimum sensitivity (ISO) :100
Maximum sensitivity (ISO) :6400
Extended Minimum Sensitivity (ISO): 100
Extended Maximum Sensitivity (ISO) :12800
Matrix cleaning function: yes
The lens is included.
Canon EF/EF-S Bayonet
Focal length 18 - 55 mm
Focal length (35 mm equivalent) 29 - 88 mm
The minimum shooting distance is 25 cm.

Camera Connect app and camera interface. It is easy to install on Android and it makes it easier to write reviews, fill in your computer and phone. I don't process snapshots on a computer, but I do it in Snapseed. 100 pictures are filled into the phone in two to three minutes.

Charging. Pretty ordinary and charges slowly. If you are traveling or going for a walk, then buy a spare battery. For tourists, this camera is the best in terms of price-quality ratio. Clarity and realism are at the highest level, but at the same time you can play with focus points and an exposamer.

And so, I started doing photo art quite recently and decided to buy a camera, which, so to speak, would not be very sorry, but it pleasantly impressed me. It's pretty easy to handle the camera settings, even if you're a beginner. The display is also clear. The camera can hold a charge for quite a long time. It focuses well and beautiful portrait photos are obtained. The only not very convenient moment is the shooting button, but if you get used to it, then it will not cause problems. In general, if you are looking for a good and not expensive camera, take a closer look at this model.

The Canon EOS 4000D SLR camera is most suitable for amateur beginners. The image quality is better with and without flash. The complete lens is photosensitive, shows very good quality in light and good lighting, in the twilight and at night it is better to use a flash or a less photosensitive lens. The camera control is quite simple, the buttons are convenient, the functions are all clear.

As for the video, the quality is rather ordinary, since this photo product is designed more specifically for photos. If you read the instructions on the Internet, you can find more detailed information about standard and manual settings, about modes and effects inside the camera itself, figure out which buttons to use to shoot landscapes, flowers, and take portrait shots. The charger is included, and the SD card and card reader need to be purchased separately.

The camera does not have automatic focusing, i.e. if your camera was photographed at one point, then it will be focused only on that point.

The camera turns off after 12 minutes.This is a big problem with all SLR cameras, the fact is that when the camera is filming, it naturally heats up and so that it does not burn out, after 12 minutes it automatically turns off the video.

You will ask "What if I want to shoot a child and how to focus the camera during video shooting?"It's not difficult, the main thing is to switch to manual focus and twist the ring for focus.

This camera opens up a new space for creativity and creating beautiful photos. Light weight allows you to take your camera with you on trips and create high-quality pictures, but at the same time adjust the modes at will. You will convey the mood and emotions, trying to convey your feelings when visiting memorials and attractions. With this camera, it's a pleasure to take pictures while traveling, but only if the lighting is bright. Then the problems begin and you have to plan excursions only for the first half of the day. For me, this camera has become a motivator to go to photo courses and study the subject in more detail.

As I wrote above, problems begin with artificial lighting. Noise and distortion of shades, but the main thing is to master the shutter speed and ISO mode. This is especially evident when shooting indoors and it is necessary to correct defects in graphic editors. But there are no disadvantages on the street and you can take great pictures. The main thing is to follow the rules of composition in the picture and you can make great photos for Instagram. I even took pictures from the plane window and was satisfied with the quality. While shooting indoors, the main thing is to choose the right mode and I recommend taking at least a basic course to master the basics of camera control. Because without this, good shots will not work in the room and priceless shots will be missed.

Thanks to this camera, I have mastered the basic functions of Canon and can easily switch to something more expensive. Details even at ISO 3200 are quite nothing here, but the main thing is to know how to set the mode correctly, taking into account the three main parameters. You can see small details in the photos and thanks to the exposamera, you can create volume in the picture. I also like that in this regard, you can create accents on the photo, as if hinting to the viewer who the main character is and where to look. With dark lighting, it is difficult to make the font clear, but it is possible with the right approach or using a tripod. For shooting small objects, a whale lens is enough and, again, everything is hanging from your hands. I like to shoot nature and play with closing the diaphragm. Of course, I'm just starting my journey, but I like to shoot on camera and I will definitely switch to a more expensive camera. Canon 4000d is a great option if you like to shoot, but don't want to spend money on an expensive camera.

In terms of reviews, the Canon 4000d helps to move to a new level. With beautiful photos, there are more views, as well as more offers of cooperation. For example, I began to pay more attention to the photo and think about how best to convey emotions in the picture. With the advent of the SLR camera, I began to like my pictures and I began to pay more attention to mastering subject shooting. The level of detail of the images and the clarity, as well as the realistic transfer of shades, are striking. The camera is not a guarantee of beautiful pictures if you do not know the basics of creating compositions and working with a color wheel. So go ahead and don't be afraid to make mistakes.

In B/W modes, the camera allows you to create retro-style pictures and opens up new facets of creativity. It's one thing when you convert pictures to Snapseed, and another when you play with the aperture in B/w mode. And also in B / W mode, you can play with the hood and create photos in a modern style.


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